A person covered 60 km travelling equal
distances at 10 kmph, 20 kmph, 30 kmph. What is the total time taken to cover
the distance? .
Anita travels from A to B by car and returns
from B to A by cycle in 7 hours. If he travels both ways by car he saves 3
hours. What is the time taken to cover both the ways by cycle? .
(a) 8 hours
(b) 10 hours
(c) 14 hours
(d) 12 hours
Had a person travelled 3 kmph faster he would
have taken 2 hours less to cover a certain distance. Had he travelled 4 kmph
slower he would have taken 5 hours more to cover the same distance. Find the
distance. .
(a) 180 km
(b) 120 km
(c) 140 km
(d) 160 km
When Ajay walked to his school at 5 km/hr, he
reached school 5 minutes early. When he walked to his school at 6 km/hr he
reaches school 12½ minutes early. Find the distance he had to travel to reach
the school. .
(a) 3.75 km .
(b) 4.25 km .
(c) 4.5 km .
(d) 5.25 km .
Ashok covered a distance of 225 km as
follows. He covered the first 15 km at 45 km/hr, the next 120 km at 60 km/hr
and the remaining journey at 90 km/hr. Find his average speed for the journey
of 225 km. .
(a) 65 km/hr
(b) 67.5 km/hr .
(c) 70 km/hr
(d) 73.5 km/hr .
A person went from P to Q, at an average
speed of a km/hr, from Q to R at an average speed of b km/hr, and from R to S
at an average speed of the of c km/hr. If PQ = QR = RS, then the average speed
of the person for traveling from P to S was .
Harshit leaves from a certain point at 8.00
a.m. at a speed of 25 kmph. Rajni leaves from the same point at 9:30 a.m. at a
speed of 37.5 kmph in the same direction as that of Harshit. At what time and
how many kilometres away from the starting point do they meet? .
(a) 12:45 pm, 122 x 5 km
(b) 12:30 pm, 122.5 km .
(c) 12:30 pm, 112.5 km .
(d) 12:45 pm, 112.5 km .
From a certain bus terminal, buses start with
a speed of 25 km/hr at intervals of 12 minutes. Find the speed of a man
travelling in the opposite direction towards the terminal if he crosses the
buses in an interval of every 7.5 minutes? .
(a) 5 kmph
(b) 10 kmph
(c) 20 kmph
(d) 15 kmph
Train P overtakes train Q double its length
and traveling at half the speed of train P in 36 seconds. Train P crosses train
R going in the opposite direction at double its speed in 8 seconds. If the
speed of train P is 72 kmph then the length of train R is .
(a) 330 m
(b) 360 m
(c) 390 m
(d) 420 m
A 480 m long train was travelling at 72
km/hr. It took 32 seconds to cross a cyclist travelling in the same direction
as the train. Find the speed of the cyclist. .
(a) 12 km/hr
(b) 15 km/hr
(c) 18 km/hr
(d) 9 km/hr